Book Now

Go on, you know you want to

Step 1. Get in touch to check date(s) are available.
Step 2. Once confirmed that your date is available, fill in the form below to confirm all the details for your booking. PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOU SEE THE “Sent Successfully” MESSAGE WHEN YOU PRESS SEND.
Step 3. You will then receive a confirmation email to confirm your booking.

That’s it! All that’s left is to enjoy the party!

Booking form

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Telephone Number (required)

    Your Address (required)

    Your Postcode (required)

    Booking Date (required)
    Must be confirmed with Stuart Watkins before completing this form (see next)

    Have you checked and confirmed the date with Stuart Watkins? (required to continue)

    Magician Start Time (required)

    Event Venue Name (required)

    Event Venue Address (required)

    Event Venue Postcode (required)

    Agreed Fee (total, including booking fee) (required)


    How did you hear about Stuart?

    The submission of this form confirms that:
    1. The booker has agreed to hire a Stuart Watkins on the date given above.
    2. The booker accepts the Terms and Conditions of booking; Terms and Conditions are available at the bottom of every page on this on this web site, as a direct link here (a new window will open) or upon request.

    I have read and accept the Terms & Conditions
    (required to enable booking form submission)

    Please get in touch with any queries you have in respect of the Terms & Conditions, either by calling Stuart on 01443 660335 or 07763 285078, or by emailing . Many Thanks.